Sunday 6 November 2011

What is LOVE???

If you love someone because you think the person is really beautiful, then its not love...its infatuation..
If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave them as what will others think of you, then its not love...its compromise..
If you love someone because you can not leave them thinking that you would hurt them, then its not love...its charity..
If you love someone because you share everything with them, then its not love...its friendship..
If you feel the pain of the other person when they are hurt and cry alongwith them....its love
If you handle their mood swings very patiently and hear them out....its love
If you hug them and make them feel special...its love
If you just be yourself and be there for your love, through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better for worse...its love


  1. Keep the flow going,I am sure you can work on this piece a bit more and let the thoughts flourish!

  2. Thanx dude..will keep this in mind for sure..
